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Vertical Milling

Vertical Milling
With vertical milling, a 3-axis milling table is the work surface, which sits below the arm, to which a spindle is attached.

The spindle can be stationary if a turret vertical mill is used. In this case, the table moved along both X and Y axes. Meanwhile, the table only moves along the X-axis if a bed vertical mill is used. The spindle travels along the length of the arm in the Y-axis direction.

Vertical Milling

Advantages of Vertical Milling

  • Precision:
    CNC vertical milling machines are highly precise and can produce parts with tight tolerances. The computer control ensures consistent and accurate results.
  • Versatility:
    They are versatile machines that can perform a wide range of machining operations, including drilling, contouring, and 3D milling. This makes them suitable for various industries, from aerospace to automotive.
  • Automation:
    CNC machines can run continuously with minimal human intervention, making them efficient for high-volume production and long machining processes.
  • Complex Geometry:
    These machines can handle complex and intricate part geometries that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with manual milling.
  • Efficiency:
    CNC machines are generally faster than manual milling, which increases productivity and reduces production time. Reduced Setup Time: Once a program is created and loaded, changing from one job to another is relatively quick and straightforward.
  • Consistency:
    CNC machines produce consistent and repeatable results, reducing the likelihood of errors caused by human factors.
Vertical Milling

Disadvantages of Vertical Milling

  • Initial Cost:
    CNC vertical milling machines can be expensive to purchase and set up. The cost includes the machine itself, tooling, and training for operators.
  • Complex Programming:
    Writing and debugging CNC programs can be challenging and time-consuming. Skilled programmers are required.
  • Maintenance:
    CNC machines require regular maintenance, and if not properly maintained, they can become costly to repair.
  • Limited Flexibility:
    CNC machines are most efficient for high-volume production or specific repetitive tasks. They may not be as cost-effective for small-batch or prototype work.
Vertical Milling
Vertical Milling
Please feel free to contact us at any time!
No.68-3, Ln. 394, Zhangma Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County, 500 Taiwan ( R.O.C. )
Fax : 886-4-7518909