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5-Axis Machining

5-Axis Machining

What is 5-axis machining?

The term 5-axis machining refers to a type of multiaxis subtractive manufacturing in which the machine that cuts away stock material can move in five axes. In machining, the number of axes a machine uses determines the different directions either its tool or its table can move. There are three basic axes that any CNC milling machine uses: X, Y, and Z; or left-right, towards-away, and up-down. A 3-axis machine can use only these three linear axes. A 5-axis machine, however, can use two additional axes: A and B. The A-axis describes movement (or rotation) around the X-axis, while the B-axis refers to movement around the Y-axis.

What are the advantages?

Any workshop that machines parts on one side or more can benefit from 5-axis machining. Similar to 3+2 machining, 5-axis machining reduces the number of setups required for a part, but with greater efficiency. Most 5-axis parts can be machined with just one or two fixturing setups. By reducing setups, shops can also decrease the chances of operator errors and save on overall machining time. Additionally, machinists can use shorter cutting tools, enabling higher speeds and feeds while minimizing tool deflection, as tool orientation is optimized. This not only saves shops from having to purchase a more diverse range of cutting tools but also extends the lifespan of their existing tools.

What are the most common applications?

The applications and industries using 5-axis machining are diverse. Any workshop, regardless of its size, can benefit from machining more complex parts on a 5-axis center. In the mold industry, 5-axis machining is well-suited for removing a large amount of material from deep cavities with complex undercuts and sharp angles. The aerospace industry utilizes 5-axis machining to achieve exceptional surface finish on parts with inclined surfaces and extremely tight tolerances. For the automotive industry, time and tool savings are highly valuable. In the medical industry, 5-axis machining is used to manufacture highly complex tools and biomimetic parts that cannot be produced in any other way.
5-Axis Machining
5-Axis Machining
Please feel free to contact us at any time!
No.68-3, Ln. 394, Zhangma Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County, 500 Taiwan ( R.O.C. )
Fax : 886-4-7518909